It contains an eclectic mix of data collection, research and economic forecasting, and serves as a forum for international policy making. 它的职能繁多,包括数据收集、研究与经济预测,以及充当一个国际政策制定论坛。
The Bible does not tell us how the Roman census takers made out, and as regards our more immediate concern, the reliability of present day economic forecasting, there are considerable difference of opinion. 圣经没有告诉我们罗马的数据统计者们怎样达到我们今天的经济预测的可靠性的,我们进一步思考的话,其中的意见上有很大的不同。
The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable. 经济预测的唯一作用是使占星术看起来体面一些。
The conventional wisdom seems to be that economic forecasting is impossible, and that economic forecasters are charlatans. 传统的看法似乎是:经济预测是不可能的,而那些经济预测者都是在招摇撞骗。
But there is a second consequence of enduring uncertainty, which relates to an old truth about economic forecasting. 然而,旷日持久的不确定性还会造成第二个后果,这个后果与经济预测的一个古老真理有关。
Input-output analysis can be widely applied into economic forecasting and anatomy. 投入产出分析被广泛应用于经济预测与分析。
People have been so overwhelmed with bad news, and investors are looking to China as one of the few potential growth engines in the world, said David Cohen, director of Asian economic forecasting at Action Economics in Singapore. ActionEconomics驻新加坡的亚洲经济预测主管大卫•科恩(DavidCohen)表示:人们一直被坏消息淹没,投资者把中国看作全球少数几个潜在的增长发动机之一。
The workhorse economic forecasting models used by central banks are built in such a way that they cannot capture financial shocks and bubbles. 央行使用的主力经济预测模型的建构方式决定了它们无法捕捉到金融冲击和泡沫。
Also being questioned, tangentially, are the mathematically elegant economic forecasting models that once again have been unable to anticipate a financial crisis or the onset of recession. 说句题外话,同样受到质疑的,还有从数学意义上讲堪称一流的经济预测模型,这些模型又一次未能预测出金融危机或经济衰退的开始。
In the 1980s, it seemed that computers held the key to economic forecasting. 在上世纪80年代,似乎是电脑掌握着经济预测的钥匙。
Economic forecasting is a long-standing joke, but the laughter has turned harsh and bitter in the wake of the credit crisis. 长久以来经济预测一直是个笑柄,但在信贷危机发生之后,笑声变得刺耳和苦涩。
Economic forecasting, that art of the impossible, is more aptly called nowcasting. 经济预测是一项“不可能的艺术”,叫做“现测”或许更恰当。
With the development and application of actuarial science, actuary's work are now extended to social insurance, investment, demographic analysis, economic forecasting and other fields. 随着精算科学的发展和应用,精算师的工作领域逐步扩展到社会保险、投资、人口分析、经济预测等领域。
His choice of field the theory of economic forecasting is to blame. 这应归咎于他所选择的领域经济预测理论。
The methods of the traffic forecasting and social economic forecasting are carried out and analyzed, and the four-step forecast method of highways section traffic is especially discussed. 对社会经济发展预测和交通量预测理论和方法进行了归纳、比较,并重点对交通量预测的四阶段法进行了详细分析。
With the further development of socialist economic reform, China is attaching more and more importance to economic forecasting. 随着社会主义市场经济改革的深入发展,我国对经济预测的重视程度也越来越高。
The system structure of Intellectualized Market Economic Forecasting Supported System ( IMEFSS); 研究并提出了智能化市场经济预测支持系统及其体系结构;
According to forecasting result of tendency simulation between social economic forecasting index and its using water quota the forecast is made. 并通过社会经济预测指标及用水定额的趋势模拟预测结果进行了预测。
To raise forecast accuracy is a great problem in economic forecasting. 经济预测中提高预测精度是一个十分重要的问题。
Application Research On Several Economic Forecasting Model 关于几种经济预测模型的应用研究
Different economic theory produces different economic forecasting method. 不同经济理论指导下产生出的经济预测方法,各有其特点和长处,但不可避免也有其局限性。
On the basis of some basic notions of economic forecasting, three forecasting models and one combined forecasting model are proposed in this paper. 本文在阐述了经济预测基本概念基础上,给出三个独立的经济预测模型和一个组合预测模型。
The dissertation made an investigation into the application of the wavelet networks to economic forecasting. 对所建的几种小波网络在经济预测中的应用展开研究。
The Industrial Structure Analysis and Economic Forecasting of Henan Province 河南省产业结构分析与经济预测
Ship traffic volume forecasting is a new domain which combines water traffic engineering with economic forecasting. 船舶交通流量预测是将水运工程技术和经济预测技术有效结合的起来的一个新兴的学科领域。
The forecasting of marine container throughput belongs to economic forecasting, which has many forecasting methods. 港口集装箱吞吐量的预测属于经济预测的范畴,预测的方法有很多种,本文列举了两种预测方法,即:三次指数平滑法和灰色方法GM(1,1)。
After studied forecasting models and methods, we make use of economic forecasting technology in "Intelligent DSS of Grain"( IDSSG), and combined the advantage and specialities of data warehouse with forecasting technology to realized the grain forecasting system based on data warehouse. 本文对预测模型方法进行了研究后,将经济预测技术应用于粮食智能决策支持系统,将数据仓库的优势和特点与预测技术相结合,实现了基于数据仓库的粮食预测系统。
However, the traditional economic forecasting methods, such as time series method and multivariate regression method, can not describe the complex non-linear relationship between GDP and its influence factors, so the forecast accuracy is lower. 但是,传统的经济预测方法,如时间序列方法和多元回归方法,无法描述GDP与其影响因素之间复杂的非线性关系,预测精度较低。
Application of wavelet analysis theory to economic forecasting. 应用小波理论进行经济预测研究。